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Alumni are essential members of the Chicago Vocational family – they are lifelong stakeholders in the institution, and their passion and loyalty to their alma mater inspire devotion that is second to none.


As I became more involved in alumni activities, I began to understand that being alumni is not all fun and games, but carries with it a certain amount of responsibility.  Moving up the alumni volunteer ranks, one of my objectives was to try to convey to the various constituencies that comprise CVS exactly what that responsibility means and how each of us can fulfill it in his or her own way.


I felt a deep sense of pride and accomplishment when I was at Commencement this year. It hit the nail on the head with what I have been trying to articulate. The essence of what it means to be a CVS alumnus or alumna that the role of alumni “demands you are forever involved in the changes and future of this school.


Letting future alumni know, that being an active alumni, will involve that you are connecting with future students, providing guidance for them, visiting, and speaking up about changes to school policy and politics become your responsibility when you walk across that stage.”


“Alumni comprise the greatest force for change and direction for our school.” In addition to their time, talent, and treasure, the most important thing alumni do is “hold an institutional memory that becomes greater and more relevant than any principal, administrator or director. “Alumni status demands more than attendance at Homecoming game or a few e-mails with an eager classmate—more than a smile at the sight of a CVS sweatshirt in a crowded airport. Alumni status means dedication to your school and its value.”


To all alumni, we need you to “have the single greatest effect on CVS’s future” by remembering that “your role here is far from over.”  


So, I encourage you to join the alumni association, mentor a student, offer an internship, represent CVS at a high school fair, visit with students, and stay informed.


 And, if you can, make a donation to the school, program, or activity of your choice.


Thank you!  


Cylvia Weaver-Gibbs

c/o 1983

Chicago Vocational Alumni Association Member

President 2012-2014

Jeff Scruggs

c/o 1983

Chicago Vocational Alumni Association Member

President 2014-2018

Alumni Association Membership

Alumni Membership is an annual membership. Please download application and send your application by mail or email using the Alumni Association mailing addreess or email address.

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Alumni Association Application

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